Game made during GMTK Game Jam 2022

Rather simple monster battling game with dice. Defeat the four monsters and you win!

You can buy more dice and upgrade existing dice with better face values. You can also upgrade weight of the die! It determines how fast you can reroll that die.

Fights are semi-realtime. You can reroll your dice as many times as you want, but the monster will attack after certain amount of time, after which everything is resolved.

If you lose the battle, don't worry. You get back to full health and can try again. You keep the money you earned during the fight even if you lost! It might be best to farm some gold for upgrades before tackling some of the later monsters.


  • 1-6: Lock die
  • SPACE: Reroll unlocked dice
  • R: Resolve


The main idea for this game was real-time aspect and dice upgrading. I figured that would be enough scope for quick project. Main inspiration came from board games, such as Dice Forge (dice upgrading), Steam Park and Escape: The Curse of the Temple (real-time dice rolling)

I didn't have enough time to add more game juice or make systems as robust as I was hoping but it works, I guess. Developing games solo is tough! I also don't have much game development experience. I familiarized myself with Godot last year, but I hadn't touched it for a good while.


  • It seems the dice are not very random, all returning same the face, or face index I think. No idea, what is causing it. It doesn't seem to happen on editor build.
  • If a die is clicked in order to lock it, and trying to use shortcuts, especially the reroll shortcut (SPACE), it keeps toggling and untoggling the lock. This likely happens because the dice are "buttons" and can have focused with keyboard, and the fact that SPACE in Godot is "ui_accept" key. Should have picked another key....
Release date Jul 17, 2022
Made withGodot
TagsDice, Real-Time

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